The legal form and full company name: Limited Liability Company EKSPERTINVEST
abbreviated name - LLC “EKSPERTINVEST”
USR Code: 34880785
The registered office Head Office: 03150. Ukraine, m. Kyiv, vul. Red Army, 145/1, B4, 30.
The actual address of the head office of the Company: 03150. Ukraine, Kyiv city, vul. Chervonoarmiyska, 145/1, 30 (6th floor).
Name of Company Head office: Director-General.
Surname, Name and patronymic manager Company: Klysenko Victoria Serhiivna.
- Number of mobile telephones: +38 096 899-58-88; +38 066 299-58-88; +380 063 401-5-888 (a call according to the tariff of your operator);
- Landline phone number: (044) 592-91-77 (a call according to the tariff of your operator);
- email:
The list of channels with clients is constantly expanding. The Company established a system of quality control. Over 98% of calls are accepted administrator for 10 seconds.

We appreciate your opinion about us!

The Company has a program to improve the quality of customer service - “Help us improve!”. In respect of the Company send your suggestions and comments:
- Or e-mail:;
- Or the address of the Company: 03150. Ukraine, Kyiv, str. Velyka Vasylkivska , 145/1, 30.
Monday - Friday: 9.00 - 18.00
Saturday, Sunday - weekend
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